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week one

Hello everyone. The CSA season is officially upon us and we're very excited about the weeks and months to come. Growing high quality, nutrient dense, organic food is our passion and we can't wait to share it with you.

A big thank you to all our returning customers, we're so pleased that you like our produce enough to come back year after year. A big welcome to all our new customers, thank you for choosing us and supporting local.

Each week we'll post about what is in your delivery, how to store it, and some ideas/recipes for cooking. See below for a few recipes, but also check out the RECIPES page on our website for more ideas.


week one




lettuce mix





maple syrup


What to do with them? How to Store? Recipes below!


kale – the trick to excellent kale is massaging it. We know this sounds silly, but kale can be quite fibrous, so if you’re eating it raw, massaging it can be important as it breaks down those tough fibers. After a good rub down so you’ll have a more supple leaf to work with. It doesn’t take much, either massage it whole or slice thinly and massage in a bowl, you’ll see the kale darken and you’re done! Check out this video for a trick to remove the stem quickly.

(store in a plastic bag in the fridge)

scallions – more than just a garnish! Why not try grilling them!?

(store in a bag in your fridge or in a glass with an inch of water in the bottom, on your counter)

spinach – this one is pretty straight forward. Caitlin likes it in a smoothie with mango, parsley, ice cubes, and a few splashes of juice.

(store in the fridge in a bag or freeze)

lettuce mix – this one is pretty straight forward.

Store in the fridge.

cilantro – you either love it or you hate it. We really hope you’re in the love it camp. We certainly do,

We think the best thing to do with it is chop it up, put it on a baking sheet and pop in the freezer. When frozen, transfer to a container and keep in the freezer for long term storage. Fresh cilantro when you need it!

(to store, immerse bottoms/roots in an inch of water in a glass, then keep in your fridge.)

dill – enjoy on fish, in a cocktail, a salad, and maybe in the frittata below.

(to store, immerse bottoms/roots in an inch of water in a glass, then keep in your fridge.)

rhubarb – tis the season! Check out some recipes below. Trim off the very tip where the pink starts and use the rest of the stalk.

(store in the vegi drawer of your fridge or in a plastic bag in the fridge)

maple syrup – a farm favourite! enjoy on pancakes or in one of your favourite recipes.

(shelf stable until open, then keep in the fridge)

rapini – also known as broccoli rabe, is a like like broccoli, just skinnier and more tender. These tender shoots are great to add to a stir fry or to sauté and serve as a side dish. Eat the entire thing! All the stem, leaves, and buds.

(store in a bag in the fridge)


Recipes to try

our absolute favourite rhubarb recipe is this rhubarb curd

our second favourite rhubarb recipe is this rhubarb crisp

try out your maple syrup on this amazing maple and olive oil granola

Caitlin likes to use dill in this potato crust frittata

cilantro goes great in these cuban-inspired beans

or try this cocktail with dill

This is how Caitlin stores herbs like dill, cilantro, and parsley


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